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Christina Stewart

Celtic Connections 2016

Added on 14 January 2016

Due to a family bereavement, I regret I will not be able to lead these workshops at Celtic Connections.  The workshops will go ahead with the talentedAmy Lord stepping into the breach:

Lullabies from Scottish Tradition

Saturday 16th January, 10:30am

Glasgow Royal Concert Hall

In this workshop, Christina Stewart will explore some of the charming, but often overlooked gems of Scotland's song tradition, with sleep songs in Scots, English and Gaelic. This workshop is for anyone looking to expand their repertoire of sleepy time songs and no experience of Gaelic necessary. This workshop is a real treat.

Singin' on yer Mammy's Knee

Saturday 16th January, 1:30pm

Glasgow Royal Concert Hall

Come prepared to bounce your bairn on your knee in Christina Stewart's dandling songs workshop. Join in with the actions in this interactive workshop for wee toots and their carers using traditional songs with plenty of opportunity for fun and cuddles. Babies and small children are not absolutely essential but they are very welcome!

Click the image to go to the Celtic Connections website and book your place now!

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