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Christina Stewart

Spring live dates

Added on 24 April 2014

Saturday 26th April - Glasgow

Haunting at The Sphere @ RSS


Classical music and traditional sit comfortably beside one another in the atmospheric venue that is Sphere - the music project based in Renfield St. Stephen's Church, Glasgow. Lunchtime concerts and evening gigs, connecting musicians and audiences.

Sunday 4th May - Edinburgh

Haunting at Tradfest at Edinburgh Storytelling Centre


Whether you're visiting Edinburgh for TradFest or stumbling from Pilrig you'll surely know about Edinburgh's mysterious and beautiful old town caverns, streets and underground networks. Scottish Storytelling Centre hosts Haunting  on 4th May - with songs and stories from the eerie world of the Scottish supernatural and includes a ghostly tale set right under the audience’s feet in a secret tunnel.

To book :

or call 0131 556 9579

22-25th May - Orkney Folk Festival

Many folk enjoy the festival, and the atmosphere it creates in and around Stromness and the isles, so much that they return year after year to experience the fine mixture of music and hospitality. Many are musicians, storytellers or dancers themselves, however there are scores of others who simply come to enjoy the craic.

Come and experience the festival’s magic too.

“An amazing amount of fun – really just quite ridiculously cool.” The Scotsman
